25 Magnesium-Rich Food sources You Ought to Eat

A sound eating routine can without much of a stretch fulfill your body's significant needs for magnesium

In excess of 300 fundamental cycles inside your body depend on magnesium. A powerhouse list incorporates heart musicality, muscle constrictions, circulatory strain control, bone wellbeing and making energy.

Things being what they are, would you say you are doing what's needed to take care of your body's requirement for magnesium? Likely not deciding by normal dietary patterns in the US and all over the planet.

However, fixing what is going on isn't quite as muddled as you could suspect. Throwing a couple of key food sources into your staple crate can undoubtedly take you from magnesiumdeficient to magnesium adequate. Thus, we should fabricate a magnesium-rich shopping list with enlisted dietitian Anna Taylor, RD, LD.

Food sources high in magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral normally present in numerous food sources. That is something to be thankful for, as well, since you truly need it in your eating routine. Specialists suggest that you consume somewhere in the range of 310 and 420 milligrams (mg) of magnesium each day (contingent upon age and sex).

Be that as it may, before you take out a number cruncher and begin poring once again sustenance names, Taylor has some guidance.

"I seldom suggest individuals count up magnesium or other crucial supplements," she says. "It's dreary, troublesome and gawky. All things considered, try to remember various fiber-rich plant food varieties for your eating regimen consistently and you'll get where you should be."

Here are Taylor's top picks (organized by food type) to keep your magnesium levels in the ideal reach:

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds might be little in size, however they sneak up all of a sudden with gobs of protein, fiber, solid fats and minerals like magnesium, says Taylor. The following are five choices with their heavenly magnesium resumes:

  • Almonds (broiled): 1 ounce (oz) = 80 mg of magnesium.
  • Cashews (broiled): 1 oz = 72 mg of magnesium.
  • Flaxseed (entire): 1 tablespoon = 40 mg of magnesium.
  • Peanuts (dry broiled): 1 oz = 49 mg of magnesium.
  • Pumpkin seeds (hulled, broiled): 1 oz = 150 mg of magnesium.
  • Chia seeds: 1 oz = 111 mg of magnesium.


Organically talking, a vegetable is a plant from the Fabaceae family. Healthfully talking, they're a force to be reckoned with on numerous levels — including magnesium content. The following are three to consider:

  • Dark beans (bubbled): 1/2 cup = 60 mg of magnesium.
  • Edamame (cooked, ready): 1/2 cup = 50 mg of magnesium.
  • Lima beans (cooked): 1/2 cup = 40 mg of magnesium.
  • Fiber-rich entire grains
  • Magnesium content is one more motivation to add entire grains to your eating routine.
  • Quinoa (cooked): 1/2 cup = 60 mg of magnesium.
  • Destroyed wheat (plain, unfrosted): 1 cup = 56 mg of magnesium.

Low-fat dairy items

Dairy items stand out enough to be noticed for calcium content, yet they likewise can be a decent wellspring of magnesium, notes Taylor. Think of it as a two-for-one arrangement!

  • Milk (nonfat): 1 cup = 24 to 27 mg of magnesium.
  • Yogurt (plain, low fat): 8 oz = 42 mg of magnesium.


Dull and mixed greens qualify as a superfood, with magnesium content being only one of their numerous superpowers.

  • Spinach (cooked): 1/2 cup = 78 mg of magnesium.
  • Swiss chard (cooked): 1/2 cup = 75 mg of magnesium.
  • Collard greens: 1/2 cup = 25 mg of magnesium.

Natural product

It's suggested that you eat two servings of natural product each day as a feature of a solid eating regimen. Consider these to actually look at that crate in addition to the one for magnesium:

  • Avocados: One entire avocado = 58 mg of magnesium.
  • Bananas: One medium banana = 32 mg of magnesium.
  • Papaya: One little papaya = 33 mg of magnesium.
  • Blackberries: 1 cup = 29 mg of magnesium.


"Eat your veggies" has for quite some time been solid counsel. These three will assist you with meeting your magnesium objectives:

  • Green peas: 1/2 cup = 31 mg of magnesium.
  • Sweet corn: 1/2 cup = 27 mg of magnesium.
  • Potatoes: One medium potato with skin = 48 mg of magnesium.


Dull chocolate is a debauched treat that can treat your body right with regards to magnesium.

  • Dull chocolate (70%-85% cocoa): 1 oz = 64 milligrams of magnesium.


Tap, mineral and packaged waters can be magnesium sources — yet it's hard to tell how much magnesium they contain on the grounds that it relies upon the water source. "It tends to be somewhere in the range of 1 mg for every liter to 120 mg for each liter," notes Taylor.

In this way, assuming you drink the suggested 2 liters of water each day, that could depend on 240 mg of magnesium.

What might be said about a magnesium supplement?

Magnesium enhancements can be useful in the event that a specialist decides you have a lack of magnesium. However, in the event that you have no significant medical issues, attempt to get magnesium based on what's on your plate.

"'Food first' is my mantra," states Taylor. "In the event that you take a dietary enhancement for magnesium and take excessively, you might encounter awkward secondary effects, for example, squeezing, the runs and sickness."

Tips to get sufficient magnesium in your eating routine

To get the suggested measure of magnesium your body requires, Taylor suggests eating:

  • Five servings of leafy foods each day.
  • No less than three servings of entire grains each day.
  • One ounce or 1/4 cup of nuts or seeds each day.
  • One serving (around 1/2 cup cooked) of vegetables most days of the week.

Feasts highlighting the magnesium-rich food varieties noted above are outright great for you, as well. The advantages of these food varieties frequently go a long ways past magnesium. Think of them as an establishment for a solid eating routine.

"You're not simply getting magnesium from these food sources," says Taylor. "You're additionally getting such countless fabulous supplements, like nutrients, different minerals and phytonutrients that can help your body in such countless various ways." 

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